Top 5 Facts About MultiCrystalline Solar Panels

by | Nov 23, 2022 | Solar Panel | 0 comments

Solar panels consist of silicon crystals that convert sunlight into electrical energy. This process is known as photovoltaic effect that provides a clean, pollution-free source of electricity. Multicrystalline solar panels are made by melting several fragments of silicon in a single cell, making the surface look like a mosaic.

Let us find out top 5 facts about Multicrystalline solar panels:


#1. Features

Multicrystalline solar panels are also known as polycrystalline solar panels. They consist of several silicon layers blended together that impart it a shining blue hue. Multicrystalline solar panels have a higher temperature coefficient and a high power density. The maximum permissible temperature of these panels is 85 °C while the minimum permissible temperature is -40 °C.

#2. Efficiency

Since the cells are made of multiple crystals, the electrons have relatively less space to flow. They have a lower efficiency that is around 13-16% only. These panels have lower heat tolerance so they have lower efficiency at higher temperatures. They are not space-efficient as they require larger surface areas for installation.

#3. Applications

Solar panel distributors offer these panels in a wide range of power wattages so they can be used in both small-scale and large-scale installations. They are used in roof-mounted arrays, large solar farms, houses, traffic-lights, etc.

#4. Eco-friendly

Polycrystalline solar panels are eco-friendly as most of the silicon is utilized during manufacturing, resulting in very less wastage.

Hitachi Solar Inverters

#5. Cost-effective

These panels have a very simple manufacturing process and therefore they are cheaper to produce and install.

Whole Solar is one of the leading solar panels distributors in India. Contact us today for a free quote!