Everything You Need to Know About DC Solar Cables
DC solar cables are single-core, insulated copper cables enclosed in a sheath. A solar panel system uses different types of cables. While the solar panel inverter and junction boxes are connected through DC cable, the substation and the inverter are connected through AC cable.
Things To Know About DC Solar Cables
DC solar cables can be either module or string cables. They are prefabricated within the panels and come with connectors. In a solar power system, cables are used to connect these 4 components:
If you are going for low-quality dc wire for solar panels and connectors then the result will not fall in your favor as it will lead to small increases in resistance and higher losses of energy. When the loss of energy is calculated over the period of twenty-five years it will result in a substantial loss & the profitability of the project would decline.
A high-quality Solar DC Cable is expected to perform for as long as about twenty-five years, which is equal to the complete lifetime of the installation. Moreover, if we calculate the cost of replacing a defective cable that is installed in the project is very high because of the manpower used for removal, reinstallation, and testing of the system. The case could get worse with losses in power output and revenue generation.
If we calculate the cost of these cables and connectors, then it will be really less which comes to insignificant in the total cost so the best way is to invest in high-performance DC cables initially which results in the reduction of the total cost. These dc wires for solar panels are the first choice of Solar Panels Distributors.
For more details, visit the website now. https://wholesolar.co.in/